A Level Portfolios

A lot of my creative development took place during my Fine Art A Level course. After trialling lots of different mediums and artistic processes, this culminated in two main portfolios.

Personal Investigation

A rather morbid project exploring the themes of death, mainly revolving around roadkill.

I started the project uninspired and thinking vaguely about masks… this transformed entirely as I got into it.

Externally Set Assignment

This project, stemming from the idea of portraits being reflections of the internal self, was a journey of self-expression and self-investigation in the form of self portraits.

Before continuing to look through this carousel, be cautioned that it covers themes of mental health struggles and of [recovery from] maladaptive coping methods such as self harm. If you’re sensitive to such topics, consider leaving this part of my website be and taking some time to self-soothe or do some calming activities. <3