Self Portraiture Gallery

Throughout history, artists have used self-portraits as a means of expression, of formal or pyschological investigation, and even to subvert societal expectations.

Like many other artists before me, I view self-portraiture as an important way for me to make sense of myself and the world around me, which is why it’s a genre I delve into regularly. As a result of this, I have a broad catalogue of self-portraits to share with my viewers.

Self-portraits are a very vulnerable and intimate insight into an artist: whilst a few I deem too personal to share, I strive to keep most of them public/ viewed to keep a tangible and authentic connection between myself and those who see my artwork.

Sustained self-portraits:

Studies I’ve spent more time on. Range of mediums: coloured pencil, acrylic paintings, lino prints etc. Chronologically ordered, with most recent at the top.

Quicker Studies

Faster and simpler self-portraits. Mostly line drawings. Chronologically ordered, with most recent at the top.

Fine Art A Level Self-portraiture Portfolio: